西班牙爵士女伶羅拉西蒙詮釋又一百老匯名曲-Frank Mills http://hk.geocities.com/iouannie_music/song_73.htm西班牙爵士女伶羅拉西蒙詮釋又一 系統傢俱百老匯名曲-Frank Mills歌名:Frank Mills 歌手?酒店打工G蘿拉西蒙( Laura Simo)詞/Rado,Macdermont 曲/Ragni    I 帛琉 met a boy called Frank MillsOn September twelfth right hereIn front of WaverlyBut unfortuna 吳哥窟telyI lost his address九月15號就在這兒維佛利前面我遇見一個男孩叫做法蘭克米爾斯很不巧的我把他的住址給弄丟了He was l seoast seen with his friendA drummerHe resembles George Harrison of the BeatlesBut he wears his hairTied in a small bow at the back最後一次看 酒店經紀到他他跟他的朋友在一塊兒一位鼓手他長的有點像披頭四的喬治哈里遜只是他頭髮後頭綁了個小小的蝴蝶結I love himBut it embarrasses meTo walk down the street wit 賣屋h him.He lives in Brooklyn somewhere我愛著他但是跟著他一起走在街上卻讓我臉紅心跳他住在布魯克林的某個地方And wears this white crash helmetHe has gold chains on his leather jacketAnd 濾桶on the back are written the namesMary and Mom and hell's angels帶著這頂白色的安全帽在他皮製的外套上有著金色的鏈子後頭寫著瑪莉和媽媽Hell's Angels.I would gratefully appreciate itIf you se 酒店經紀e him tell himI'm in the park with my girlfriendAnd pleaseTell him Angela and I don't want the two dollars backJust him如果你看見了他告訴他我跟我朋友在公園裡頭我會非常感激的也請跟他說安琪拉和我不想要回那兩塊錢我們只要 居酒屋他  .

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